
The objective of this project was to create and develop a platform offering services and information related to various types of investments in France, with a strong focus on rental real estate.


UI/UX Design
Web development



Ooinvestir provides detailed information on various types of real estate investment, online simulation tools, comparison features, as well as a blog dedicated to real estate market news and trends.
In a world where investment options are increasingly abundant, it's essential to offer investors an educational and informative platform to guide them in their financial decisions. Ooinvestir seeks to fill this gap by offering a variety of simulation tools, comparison features, and educational content to help users understand and navigate the complex world of financial investment.


We initiated a thorough ideation process, including multiple workshops, to define the project's trajectory. These sessions enabled us to comprehensively list the necessary features and communication strategies to ensure the success of the website.

Subsequently, we organized a Story Mapping workshop involving all project stakeholders. The goal was to clearly delineate the scope of each version of the site to be produced, identifying priority features and key elements to integrate into each one. This collaborative approach allowed us to align the expectations of all stakeholders and ensure that the site development met the defined needs and goals.

We developed a modern and professional visual identity, incorporating some elements from the FinTech universe to resonate with our user persona, reflecting credibility and trust. The logo and graphic charter were consistent with the platform's brand image, featuring understated colors and elegant graphic elements. Mock-ups were produced on Figma, delivering a robust design system given the multitude of interfaces to create and maintain.

The website was developed on Webflow for static content, while the dynamic blog remained on Drupal due to SEO considerations. The goal was twofold: to provide a user-friendly and intuitive interface, allowing users to navigate easily between different tools and content, and to maximize the conversion potential at each stage of the journey. Simulators and comparators were integrated via API or no-code integration solutions, offering a seamless user experience and flexibility for functional changes. Clear and compelling calls-to-action were strategically placed to encourage visitor conversion into clients.

Thanks to our strategic approach and the quality of our tools and content, the financial investment platform experienced significant growth in traffic and conversions. Users appreciated the wealth of information available and the ease of use of the platform, strengthening its reputation as a trusted resource for investors seeking informed advice.

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