
The client, a company offering a subscription-based postal and fiscal domiciliation service for digital nomads, faced several challenges. The main pain points included the complexity of the domiciliation process, the need to ensure the confidentiality of mail, and the increasing demand for a smooth and modern user experience.


UI/UX Design



In an increasingly connected and mobile world, many professionals are opting for a nomadic lifestyle, working and traveling around the globe. However, managing mail and tax-related matters can be a challenge for these digital nomads. This startup sought to address this issue by offering a flexible and convenient postal domiciliation service, catering to the needs of this new generation of workers.


1. Definition of Competitive Positioning: We conducted a thorough market analysis to identify gaps in existing services and differentiation opportunities. Our approach focused on flexibility, confidentiality, and simplicity aimed to position us as a leader in postal domiciliation for digital nomads.

2. Voice and Tone: We defined a friendly, professional, and reassuring tone of voice to communicate with our users, whose user persona is typically a young digital professional in their thirties. Our goal was to create a sense of trust and familiarity while offering a highly professional and reliable service.

3. Points of Differentiation: We highlighted the flexibility of our service, allowing users to manage their mail from anywhere in the world. Ensuring maximum confidentiality and security of mail was a crucial differentiating factor. We also emphasized the simplicity and efficiency of our platform, providing a hassle-free user experience.

4. Graphic Identity and Style Guide: We developed a modern and eye-catching visual identity, reflecting mobility and connectivity. Bright colors and dynamic graphic elements were used to capture users' attention. The style guide was designed to be consistent with the brand identity, providing clear guidelines on the use of colors, fonts, and visual elements.

5. Website Development: The website was designed on Webflow with an intuitive and memorable interface, allowing users to easily sign up and manage their accounts. We integrated advanced security features to ensure user data confidentiality and mail security, along with SEO optimization to maximize organic traffic potential. Mobile optimization was a priority to meet the expectations of our user persona, enabling them to access their account and manage their mail from any device.


Thanks to a user-centered approach and a commitment to innovation, the delivered product perfectly met the client's expected requirements. User feedback has been extremely positive, highlighting the simplicity, reliability, and convenience of the service. The established branding has anchored the brand for every visitor to the site and expanded this brand identity across social networks and communication channels.

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